Casarae Abdul-GhaniCollege of Liberal ArtsEnglishAssociate ProfessorEmail Casarae Abdul-GhaniOffice Location Mazur HallExpandView ProfileCopy Link
Cara Blue AdamsCollege of Liberal ArtsEnglishAssociate ProfessorProgramsCreative Writing Graduate ProgramEmail Cara Blue AdamsOffice Location Mazur HallExpandView ProfileCopy Link
Elizabeth AdamsCollege of Liberal ArtsCriminal JusticeAssistant ProfessorEmail Elizabeth AdamsOffice Location Gladfelter Hall, 540Phone (313) 489-0881ExpandView ProfileCopy Link
Hiram AldarondoCollege of Liberal ArtsOffice of the DeanSenior Associate Dean for Academic AffairsSpanish and PortugueseAssociate ProfessorAffiliated FacultyProgramsGlobal StudiesLatin American StudiesEmail Hiram AldarondoExpandView ProfileCopy Link
Hammam AldouriCollege of Liberal ArtsAdjunct Assistant ProfessorProgramsIntellectual HeritageEmail Hammam AldouriOffice Location Mazur Hall, 214 ExpandView ProfileCopy Link
Lauren AlloyCollege of Liberal ArtsPsychology and NeuroscienceProfessorLaura H. Carnell Professor of PsychologyJoseph Wolpe Distinguished FacultyAssociate Director of Clinical TrainingAffiliated FacultyProgramsNeuroscienceEmail Lauren AlloyOffice Location Weiss Hall, 762ExpandView ProfileCopy Link
Cate AlmonCollege of Liberal ArtsEnglishAssistant Professor - InstructionalProgramsFirst Year Writing ProgramAssociate DirectorProgramsFirst Year Writing ProgramEmail Cate AlmonOffice Location Mazur Hall, 1051ExpandView ProfileCopy Link
Philip AlpersonFounding DirectorProgramsCenter for Vietnamese Philosophy, Culture, and SocietySenior ScholarProgramsCenter for Vietnamese Philosophy, Culture, and SocietyEmail Philip AlpersonOffice Location Mazur Hall, 716ExpandView ProfileCopy Link
Eli AlshanetskyCollege of Liberal ArtsPhilosophyAssistant Professor - On Leave 2023-24Email Eli AlshanetskyOffice Location Mazur Hall, 741ExpandView ProfileCopy Link
Michael AltimoreCollege of Liberal ArtsSociologyProfessor - InstructionalEmail Michael AltimoreOffice Location Gladfelter Hall, 735ExpandView ProfileCopy Link
Elizabeth Hayes AlvarezCollege of Liberal ArtsAffiliated FacultyProgramsGender, Sexuality and Women's StudiesGlobal StudiesEmail Elizabeth Hayes AlvarezOffice Location Mazur Hall, 646ExpandView ProfileCopy Link
Nilgün Anadolu-OkurCollege of Liberal ArtsAfricology and African American StudiesProfessor and Director of Graduate StudiesAffiliated FacultyProgramsGender, Sexuality and Women's StudiesEmail Nilgün Anadolu-OkurOffice Location Gladfelter Hall, 826Phone (215) 204-8513ExpandView ProfileCopy Link
Reynaldo AndersonCollege of Liberal ArtsAfricology and African American StudiesAssociate ProfessorEmail Reynaldo AndersonOffice Location Gladfelter Hall, 827ExpandView ProfileCopy Link
Max AndruckiCollege of Liberal ArtsGeography, Environment and Urban StudiesAssociate Professor - InstructionalConcentrationsEnvironmental StudiesInternship CoordinatorAffiliated FacultyProgramsGlobal StudiesEmail Max AndruckiOffice Location Gladfelter Hall, 325BPhone (215) 204-1233ExpandView ProfileCopy Link
Elizabeth AnselmoCollege of Liberal ArtsProfessional DevelopmentAssociate Director of Student Professional DevelopmentEmail Elizabeth AnselmoOffice Location Gladfelter Hall, Suite 120ExpandView ProfileCopy Link
Bench AnsfieldCollege of Liberal ArtsHistoryAssistant ProfessorEmail Bench AnsfieldOffice Location Gladfelter Hall, 834ExpandView ProfileCopy Link
George ArcarolaCollege of Liberal ArtsSenior Technical Support SpecialistProgramsTemple University Brain Research & Imaging CenterEmail George ArcarolaOffice Location Weiss Hall, 633ExpandView ProfileCopy Link
Philip AtkinsCollege of Liberal ArtsPhilosophyAssociate Professor - InstructionalEmail Philip AtkinsOffice Location Mazur Hall, 748ExpandView ProfileCopy Link
Melissa AuerbachCollege of Liberal ArtsPsychology and NeuroscienceAssociate Professor - InstructionalEmail Melissa AuerbachOffice Location Weiss HallExpandView ProfileCopy Link
Kate AuerhahnCollege of Liberal ArtsCriminal JusticeAssociate ProfessorEmail Kate AuerhahnOffice Location Gladfelter Hall, 555 ExpandView ProfileCopy Link
James BachmeierCollege of Liberal ArtsSociologyAssociate Professor and Director of Graduate StudiesEmail James BachmeierOffice Location Gladfelter Hall, 743ExpandView ProfileCopy Link
Christina BakerCollege of Liberal ArtsSpanish and PortugueseAssistant ProfessorProgramsLatin American StudiesConcentrationsLatin American & Latinx Theatre & PerformanceEmail Christina BakerOffice Location Mazur Hall, 450ExpandView ProfileCopy Link
Benedetta Ballati MahoneyCollege of Liberal ArtsModern Languages, Literatures and CulturesAdjunct InstructorConcentrationsItalianEmail Benedetta Ballati MahoneyOffice Location Mazur HallExpandView ProfileCopy Link
Alison BarenCollege of Liberal ArtsPsychology and NeuroscienceAssociate Professor - InstructionalEmail Alison BarenOffice Location Weiss HallExpandView ProfileCopy Link
José Pablo Barragán NietoCollege of Liberal ArtsSpanish and PortugueseAssistant Professor - InstructionalEmail José Pablo Barragán NietoOffice Location Mazur Hall, 449ExpandView ProfileCopy Link
Anne BaylessCollege of Liberal ArtsProfessional DevelopmentDirectorEmail Anne BaylessOffice Location Gladfelter Hall, Suite 120ExpandView ProfileCopy Link
Maggie BeelerCollege of Liberal ArtsGreek and Roman ClassicsAdjunct InstructorEmail Maggie BeelerOffice Location 353 Mazur HallExpandView ProfileCopy Link
Steven BelenkoCollege of Liberal ArtsCriminal JusticeProfessorEmail Steven BelenkoOffice Location Gladfelter Hall, 5th Floor Phone (215) 204-2211ExpandView ProfileCopy Link
Juliette BellacosaCollege of Liberal ArtsModern Languages, Literatures and CulturesAdjunct InstructorConcentrationsItalianEmail Juliette BellacosaOffice Location Mazur Hall, 528ExpandView ProfileCopy Link
Tom BerendtCollege of Liberal ArtsAdjunct Assistant ProfessorProgramsGender, Sexuality and Women's StudiesEmail Tom BerendtOffice Location Mazur Hall, 815ExpandView ProfileCopy Link
Daniel BermanCollege of Liberal ArtsGreek and Roman ClassicsProfessorOffice of the ProvostVice Provost - Undergraduate StudiesEmail Daniel BermanOffice Location 500 Conwell HallExpandView ProfileCopy Link