Candus Burks is a current student in the Graduate Certificate in Nonprofit Management program. Continue reading to learn about why she chose this program and her experience thus far. 

Can you tell us about your background and current role?

I graduated from Temple University with my Bachelor's in Sociology in 2021 while also being a member of the track and field team. During my time at Temple, I worked part time and volunteered with a few nonprofit organizations such as the YMCA and Toys for Tots. I spent my first gap year after graduating working full time for an education-based nonprofit, City Year. I have returned to the same organization as a Team Leader this year which entails guiding a team of young adults through conducting their own math and literacy tutoring interventions with students, as I did last year. We also develop students' social emotional learning by way of mentorship, after school programs, and whole school events.

What made you decide to pursue the Certificate in Nonprofit Management at Temple?

I decided to pursue the Nonprofit Management Graduate Certificate to continue my education and propel myself into the nonprofit sector but also to inform my work as I work in an organization aligned with my goals to serve young people. I actually found this opportunity through City Year and was really interested in where this could take me. I was originally interested in getting my master's in social work but have since looked into Public Policy or Nonprofit management/leadership as my next path. I hope to be an executive director of a nonprofit one day.

What makes you passionate about nonprofit work?

I have always been passionate about working with nonprofits due to my interest in sociology and social work, which allowed me to look at complex societal issues through various lenses. I truly believe nonprofits are an essential component to solving these issues. I appreciate how broad nonprofits organizations can be in terms of the demographics they serve or the services they provide. I also enjoy the opportunity to either make a difference on a large scale and I can't wait to see how I continue to make a difference for the youth and where this path will take me.

Curious what you can do with a Temple University Graduate Certificate in Nonprofit Management? Contact Samantha Apgar, Associate Director, at for more information and check out our Next Stops page for upcoming information session dates.