I graduated from Temple University in 2008 with Honors in History. Since then, I have successfully managed a Pennsylvania State House campaign. Graduated from law school while working full-time. Commissioned as an officer in the U.S. Army. Consulted and worked with chief information officers for Fortune 500 companies in the Washington, DC Metro area.
Currently, I manage a $10M business with 6 direct reports for the world's leading technology research and advisory firm based in Tennessee and Kentucky. Additionally, I work as an officer in Cyber Operations for the U.S. Army responsible for supporting Asia Pacific.
In the future, I intend to enhance my education with an MBA and continue to gain greater responsibility leading larger, more complicated, and global organizations.
As I have learned, experienced, and developed, I have paid particular attention and pushed back strongly against those that say an education in liberal arts isn't valuable and that you are setting yourself up for a life of poverty and limited career options. I have pushed back particularly hard against those that say an education in history isn't valuable. As I've gained the benefit of time and perspective, I have learned that the skills developed through an education in history are becoming increasingly important and will yield greater opportunities in the coming years.
In the decades to come, artificial intelligence, machine learning, and robots will take away the need for basic technical skills in a variety of disciplines: finance, information technology, human resources, sales, marketing, supply chain, and legal will all be impacted by technology. We will continue to automate redundant processes and move human involvement higher in the value chain. Technical skills will be written into software and algorithms managed by technology and code executed by machines.
As this shift continues and accelerates, an education in history will become increasingly valuable. When humans become less responsible for technical skills, people will need the skills required to be successful in history, and more broadly, liberal arts. The need for deeper human empathy, leadership and analytical skills will increase.
As momentum gains and digitalization of economies take place, history will be one of the best disciplines for creating deep awareness and context for what is happening around us.
You would do well to major in history. Change is coming, fast.