
Sociolinguistics, Spanish in the US, Linguistic Landscapes


I am an interdisciplinary scholar, and I like to think of myself as a cultural ambassador and advocate. I enjoy conducting research and writing about language, literature, and aspects related to Latin American cultures and identities.

Through my research, I explore the dynamic nature of the Spanish language in Philadelphia, and how multilingual signs in public spaces influence the environment and identity of the community in the city.

Curriculum Vitae | Website
Faculty Advisor: Augusto Lorenzino

Selected Publications

Media Mentions

Courses Taught

  • SPAN 1001- Basic I
  • SPAN 1002 - Basic II
  • SPAN 1003 - Intermediate
  • SPAN 1003 - Intermediate (Professional Focus)
  • SPAN 1901 - Honors Basic I
  • SPAN 0868 - Latin American Society in Literature & Films
  • SPAN 0815 - Language in Society