Sociolinguistics, Spanish in the US, Linguistic Landscapes
I am an interdisciplinary scholar, and I like to think of myself as a cultural ambassador and advocate. I enjoy conducting research and writing about language, literature, and aspects related to Latin American cultures and identities.
Through my research, I explore the dynamic nature of the Spanish language in Philadelphia, and how multilingual signs in public spaces influence the environment and identity of the community in the city.
Curriculum Vitae | Website
Faculty Advisor: Augusto Lorenzino
Selected Publications
Guarín, D. & Arias-Cortés, D. (2025). English as Symbolic Capital: Globalization and the Linguistic Landscape of Armenia, Quindío (Colombia). Languages, 10(3), 34.
Guarín, D. (2024). Pronominal address in the linguistic landscape of Hispanic Philadelphia: Variation and accommodation of tú and usted in written signs. Language, Culture and Society, 6(1).
Guarín, D. (2024). From Bilingualism to Multilingualism: Mapping Language Dynamics in the Linguistic Landscape of Hispanic Philadelphia. Languages, 9(4), 1–23.
Guarín, D. (2022). Mesetas, multiplicidades e interconexiones en Estrella Distante: Entre la complejidad y lo rizomático. La Palabra, 43(1), 1–20.
- Guarín, D. (2022). El Uso de pronombres de tratamiento Tú, Usted y Vos en el departamento del Quindío (Colombia). Miradas, 17(2), 65–82.
- Guarín, D. (2022). Colombian Literature in the Spanish as a Foreign Language’s Textbooks: (Re)Presentations, Uses and Perspectives. Visitas Al Patio, 16(2), 460–484.
Media Mentions
NPR's WHYY: "Nearly 20 years after Geno’s ‘Speak English’ fracas, the Italian Market has become a hub of linguistic diversity" (
The Philadelphia Inquirer: "I analyzed 3,356 signs to see how language use is changing in three Latino neighborhoods in Philly" (
Courses Taught
- SPAN 1001- Basic I
- SPAN 1002 - Basic II
- SPAN 1003 - Intermediate
- SPAN 1003 - Intermediate (Professional Focus)
- SPAN 1901 - Honors Basic I
- SPAN 0868 - Latin American Society in Literature & Films
- SPAN 0815 - Language in Society