Public Policy, Education, Poverty, Social Policy, Prekindergarten, Parenting, Two-Generation Interventions
Elise Chor's research draws on economic and developmental perspectives to consider the interactions among families, government, and the early childhood education market. Her work measures the impacts of universal and targeted public preschool programs on childcare quality, parents’ childcare and employment decision-making, family processes, and ultimately child development, with a focus on low-income families. Current research projects include investigations of prekindergarten finance policy, two-generation education interventions, and childhood and multigenerational poverty. Dr. Chor teaches courses in U.S. social policy, in particular education policy, in addition to methods courses in statistics and public policy analysis. She received a Master of Public Policy degree and a Ph.D. in Public Policy Studies from the University of Chicago (MPP 2009, Ph.D. 2014) and completed a postdoctoral fellowship at Northwestern University’s Institute for Policy Research.
Selected Publications
- Chor, E., Chase-Lansdale, P.L., Sommer, T.E., Sabol, T.J., Tighe, L., Brooks-Gunn, J., Yoshikawa, H., Morris, A., & King, C. (In Press). Three-year outcomes for low-income parents of young children in a two-generation education program. Journal of Research on Educational Effectiveness. Published Online, 2023.
- Sommer, T.E., Tighe, L., Sabol, T.J., Chor, E., Chase-Lansdale, P.L., Yoshikawa, H., Brooks-Gunn, J., Morris, A., & King, C. (In Press). The effects of a two-generation English as a Second Language (ESL) intervention on immigrant parents and children in Head Start. Applied Developmental Science. Published Online, 2023.
- Sommer, T.E., Schneider, W., Chor, E., Sabol, T.J., Chase-Lansdale, P.L., Brooks-Gunn, J., Yoshikawa, H., Morris, A., & King, Christopher. (2020). A two-generation education intervention and children’s attendance in Head Start. Child Development, 91(6): 1916-1933.
- Sommer, T.E., Gomez, C.J., Yoshikawa, H., Sabol, T., Chor, E., Sanchez, A., Chase-Lansdale, P.L., & Brooks-Gunn, J. (2020). Head Start, two-generation ESL services, and parent engagement. Early Childhood Research Quarterly. 52A, 63-73.
- Chase-Lansdale, P.L., Sabol, T.J., Sommer, T.E., Chor, E., Cooperman, A., Brooks-Gunn, J., Yoshikawa, H., King, C., & Morris, A. (2019). Effects of a two-generation human capital program on low-income parents’ education, employment, and psychological wellbeing. Journal of Family Psychology, 33(4): 433-443.
- Chor, E. (2018). Multigenerational Head Start participation: An unexpected marker of progress. Child Development. 89(1): 264-279.
- Sommer, T.E., Sabol, T.J., Chor, E., Schneider, W., Chase-Lansdale, P.L., Brooks-Gunn, J., Small, M., King, C., & Yoshikawa, H. (2018). A two-generation human capital approach to anti-poverty policy. Russell Sage Foundation Journal of the Social Sciences, 4(3): 118-143.
- Chor, E., Andresen, M.E., & Kalil, A. (2016). The impact of universal preschool on family behavior and child outcomes.” Economics of Education Review, 55: 168-181.
- Kalil, A., Ryan, R., & Chor, E. (2014). Time investments in children across family structures.” Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 654(1): 150-168.
- Chor, E., Chase-Lansdale, P.L., Sommer, T.E., Sabol, T.J., Tighe, L., Brooks-Gunn, J., Yoshikawa, H., Morris, A., & King, C. (In Press). Three-year outcomes for low-income parents of young children in a two-generation education program. Journal of Research on Educational Effectiveness. Published Online, 2023.
- Sommer, T.E., Tighe, L., Sabol, T.J., Chor, E., Chase-Lansdale, P.L., Yoshikawa, H., Brooks-Gunn, J., Morris, A., & King, C. (In Press). The effects of a two-generation English as a Second Language (ESL) intervention on immigrant parents and children in Head Start. Applied Developmental Science. Published Online, 2023.
- Sommer, T.E., Schneider, W., Chor, E., Sabol, T.J., Chase-Lansdale, P.L., Brooks-Gunn, J., Yoshikawa, H., Morris, A., & King, Christopher. (2020). A two-generation education intervention and children’s attendance in Head Start. Child Development, 91(6): 1916-1933.
- Sommer, T.E., Gomez, C.J., Yoshikawa, H., Sabol, T., Chor, E., Sanchez, A., Chase-Lansdale, P.L., & Brooks-Gunn, J. (2020). Head Start, two-generation ESL services, and parent engagement. Early Childhood Research Quarterly. 52A, 63-73.
- Chase-Lansdale, P.L., Sabol, T.J., Sommer, T.E., Chor, E., Cooperman, A., Brooks-Gunn, J., Yoshikawa, H., King, C., & Morris, A. (2019). Effects of a two-generation human capital program on low-income parents’ education, employment, and psychological wellbeing. Journal of Family Psychology, 33(4): 433-443.
- Chor, E. (2018). Multigenerational Head Start participation: An unexpected marker of progress. Child Development. 89(1): 264-279.
- Sommer, T.E., Sabol, T.J., Chor, E., Schneider, W., Chase-Lansdale, P.L., Brooks-Gunn, J., Small, M., King, C., & Yoshikawa, H. (2018). A two-generation human capital approach to anti-poverty policy. Russell Sage Foundation Journal of the Social Sciences, 4(3): 118-143.
- Chor, E., Andresen, M.E., & Kalil, A. (2016). The impact of universal preschool on family behavior and child outcomes.” Economics of Education Review, 55: 168-181.
- Kalil, A., Ryan, R., & Chor, E. (2014). Time investments in children across family structures.” Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 654(1): 150-168.
Courses Taught
- Political Science/Public Policy 8119: Policy Analysis
- Political Science/Public Policy 3151: Public Policy Analysis
- Political Science/Public Policy 8001: Political Statistics I/Statistics for Public Policy
- Political Science/Public Policy 8201: Topics in Public Policy – Pre-K to Grade 12 U.S. Education Policy: Issues, Programs, and Evaluation