Michael AltimoreCollege of Liberal ArtsSociologyProfessor - InstructionalEmail Michael AltimoreOffice Location Gladfelter Hall, 735ExpandView ProfileCopy Link
James BachmeierCollege of Liberal ArtsSociologyAssociate Professor and Director of Graduate StudiesEmail James BachmeierOffice Location Gladfelter Hall, 743ExpandView ProfileCopy Link
Amanda CzerniawskiCollege of Liberal ArtsSociologyProfessor - InstructionalAffiliated FacultyProgramsGender, Sexuality and Women's StudiesEmail Amanda CzerniawskiOffice Location Gladfelter Hall, 738ExpandView ProfileCopy Link
Kevin DelaneyCollege of Liberal ArtsSociologyProfessorOffice of the ProvostVice Provost - Faculty AffairsEmail Kevin DelaneyOffice Location Carnell Hall, 350ExpandView ProfileCopy Link
Kimberly GoyetteCollege of Liberal ArtsSociologyProfessor and ChairAffiliated FacultyProgramsGender, Sexuality and Women's StudiesDirectorProgramsCenter for Vietnamese Philosophy, Culture, and SocietyEmail Kimberly GoyetteOffice Location Gladfelter Hall, 737Phone (215) 204-0134ExpandView ProfileCopy Link
Raymond HalnonCollege of Liberal ArtsAssistant Professor - InstructionalProgramsIntellectual HeritageSociologyAssistant Professor - InstructionalEmail Raymond HalnonOffice Location Gladfelter Hall, 736ExpandView ProfileCopy Link
Dustin KiddCollege of Liberal ArtsSociologyProfessorAffiliated FacultyProgramsGender, Sexuality and Women's StudiesAmerican StudiesIntellectual HeritageInstitute on DisabilitiesMedia Studies and ProductionOffice of the ProvostDirector of General EducationEmail Dustin KiddOffice Location Gladfelter Hall, 762ExpandView ProfileCopy Link
Joshua KlugmanCollege of Liberal ArtsPsychology and NeuroscienceAssociate ProfessorSociologyAssociate ProfessorEmail Joshua KlugmanOffice Location Gladfelter Hall, 763Phone (215) 219-9107ExpandView ProfileCopy Link
Judith LevineCollege of Liberal ArtsSociologyAssociate ProfessorAffiliated FacultyProgramsGender, Sexuality and Women's StudiesDirectorProgramsPublic Policy LabEmail Judith LevineOffice Location Gladfelter Hall, 752ExpandView ProfileCopy Link
Kevin LoughranCollege of Liberal ArtsSociologyAssistant ProfessorEmail Kevin LoughranExpandView ProfileCopy Link
Geoffrey MossCollege of Liberal ArtsSociologyProfessor - InstructionalEmail Geoffrey MossOffice Location Gladfelter Hall, 713Phone (212) 866-6586ExpandView ProfileCopy Link
Lauren OlsenCollege of Liberal ArtsSociologyAssistant ProfessorAffiliated FacultyProgramsGender, Sexuality and Women's StudiesEmail Lauren OlsenOffice Location Gladfelter Hall, 722ExpandView ProfileCopy Link
Laura A. OrricoCollege of Liberal ArtsSociologyAssistant ProfessorEmail Laura A. OrricoOffice Location Gladfelter Hall, 723ExpandView ProfileCopy Link
Donna Marie PetersCollege of Liberal ArtsSociologyProfessor - InstructionalAffiliated FacultyProgramsGender, Sexuality and Women's StudiesEmail Donna Marie PetersOffice Location Gladfelter Hall, 744ExpandView ProfileCopy Link
Mary StrickerCollege of Liberal ArtsSociologyProfessor - InstructionalEmail Mary StrickerOffice Location Gladfelter Hall, 755ExpandView ProfileCopy Link
Rebbeca TesfaiCollege of Liberal ArtsSociologyAssociate ProfessorEmail Rebbeca TesfaiOffice Location Gladfelter Hall, 742ExpandView ProfileCopy Link
Pablo VilaCollege of Liberal ArtsSociologyProfessorProgramsLatin American StudiesEmail Pablo VilaOffice Location Gladfelter Hall, 730ExpandView ProfileCopy Link
Tom WaidzunasCollege of Liberal ArtsSociologyAssociate ProfessorDirectorProgramsGender, Sexuality and Women's StudiesEmail Tom WaidzunasOffice Location Gladfelter Hall, 753Phone (215) 204-1446ExpandView ProfileCopy Link
Matt WrayCollege of Liberal ArtsSociologyAssociate Professor Director of Undergraduate StudiesEmail Matt WrayOffice Location Gladfelter Hall, 751ExpandView ProfileCopy Link
Lu ZhangCollege of Liberal ArtsSociologyAssociate ProfessorAffiliated FacultyProgramsAsian StudiesGlobal StudiesEmail Lu ZhangOffice Location Gladfelter Hall, 731ExpandView ProfileCopy Link
Shanyang ZhaoCollege of Liberal ArtsSociologyProfessorAffiliated FacultyProgramsAsian StudiesEmail Shanyang ZhaoOffice Location Gladfelter Hall, 759ExpandView ProfileCopy Link