Haitian Revolution
In teaching Mosaic, John Davies emphasizes careful reading, critical thinking, and clear written and verbal expression with the goal of examining the "big questions" of human existence, the place of the individual in society, and the impact of individuals and societies on the larger world. He received his B.F.A. from Kutztown University, an M.A. in history from Millersville University, and the Ph.D. in history at the University of Delaware. Davies is currently revising his dissertation, "Class, Culture, and Color: Black Saint-Dominguan Refugees and African-American Communities in the Early Republic" for publication. He has had an article based on his research published in theĀ Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography, and an essay on slave community in early national Philadelphia appears in the volumeĀ New Directions in Slavery Studies: Commodification, Community, and Comparison.