
Political Behavior, Political Economy, Racism/Race, Intellectual History, Political Theory


Jared received his Ph.D. in political science from Duke University, where he studied race, political economy, and political behavior. His research evaluates the relationship between macroeconomic and antiracist policy. Jared is a native of Louisiana and a proud alumnus of Louisiana State University, where he received his BA in political science.


Selected Publications

  • Clemons, J. (2022). From “Freedom Now!” to “Black Lives Matter”: Retrieving King and Randolph to Theorize Contemporary White Antiracism. Perspectives on Politics, 1-15. doi:10.1017/S1537592722001074
  • Benjamin, A., Block, R., Clemons, J., Laird, C., & Wamble, J. (2020). Set in Stone? Predicting Confederate Monument Removal. PS: Political Science & Politics, 53(2), 237-242. doi:10.1017/S1049096519002026

Courses Taught

  • African American Political Thought
  • Introduction to Political Philosophy