First Year Writing (English as a Second Language)
Eunsook Ha Rhee specializes in second language writing. Her special interest is in maximizing the strength of diversity in ESL writing classes. She does her best to help students utilize their linguistic, literacy, and cultural backgrounds as assets while they learn norms and practices of academic discourse, complete collaborative work in and out of class, and thus grow as critical thinkers and writers. As a teacher who had eight-year tutoring experience at the University Writing Center, she also helps her students from different disciplines understand multiple reader expectations which differ across genres of papers, instructors, courses, and disciplines. In recognition of her teaching endeavor, she received Outstanding Instructor Award many times and Marlene Smigel Korn Humanitarian Award for the Greatest Humanitarian Contribution in the Areas of Teaching, Scholarship or Service. She was inducted into the “Teaching Hall of Fame” in the First-Year Writing Program in fall 2012.
In addition, Rhee is interested in helping faculty and staff understand the nature of ESL students and principles of pedagogy derived from TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages). She regularly designs and leads workshops for new teaching assistants and seminars for instructors in both First-Year Writing and Intellectual Heritage. She has also served on university-wide committees on ESL issues, which endeavor to identify challenges and suggest possible solutions.
Selected Publications
- “Collision and Negotiation of My Identities in the TESOL Graduate Program.” Reinventing Identities in Second Language Writing. Eds. Michelle Cox, Jay Jordan, Christina Ortmeier-Hooper, & Gwen Gray Schwartz. NCTE, 2010. 96-103. Print.
- “Complexities and Dynamics of Korean Graduation Students’ Textual Borrowing in Academic Writing.” Diss. Temple University, 2010. Print.
Courses Taught
- English 0711: Introduction to Academic Discourse (ESL)
- English 0812: Analytical Reading and Writing (ESL)
- Summer Seminar for First Year Writing and Intellectual Heritage Instructors