
German Film Gender and Sexuality Studies Environmentalism Literature


Andrea Schmidt is a new arrival to Temple University German, and really enjoys working with curious and engaged Owls! She originally comes from the Midwest, but has also lived on the West Coast and Europe. Her research interests include contemporary German film and television, literary adaptations, and memory cultures. She just adopted a cat named Milly. 

Selected Publications

  • “My Life’s Work: Sissi in the Twenty-first Century.” Submission for consideration to Feminist German Studies, (Spring 2024).
  • “Schwerpunkt: Hasta La Westler, Baby,” andererseits. Transatlantic Yearbook of German Studies, forthcoming.
  • “Adaptation, the Popular, and the Political in Klein Dorrit (1934),” Dickens Quarterly, March 2022. 
  • “You’re a Chancellor, Not a GIF:’ Angela Merkel in the Popular Imagination,” The Journal of Popular Culture, vol 50, n. 1, 2022, pp. 160-179.
  • “The Imaginative Power of Downton Abbey Fanfiction.” Upstairs and Downstairs: The British Historical Costume Drama on Television. Eds. Julie Taddeo and James Leggot. New York: Rowman and Littlefield Publishers, 2014.

Courses Taught

  • Green Germany (Summer 2024)
  • German Culture and Civilization II
  • German 1001 and 1002
  • German Film