Spanish Linguistics, Applied Linguistics, Heritage and Second Language Development, Task-Based Language Teaching (TBLT), Study Abroad, Writing, Teacher Education, Student Individual Differences
Born and raised in the Basque Country, Janire Zalbidea received her Ph.D. in Spanish Linguistics from Georgetown University. She is the Principal Investigator of the Temple University Multilingualism and Second Language Acquisition Lab (TUMSLAB) and directs the Spanish for Heritage/Bilingual Speakers curriculum in the department. Her interdisciplinary research program focuses on second and heritage language acquisition, including task-based language teaching and development in study abroad contexts. She is also interested in multisite approaches in second language research. Her current work is funded by a Language Learning Early Career Research Grant and an ACTFL Research Priorities Grant.
Selected Publications
- Zalbidea, J. (in press/2024). Variability in heritage and second language writers’ linguistic complexity: Roles of proficiency and motivational beliefs. Studies in Second Language Acquisition.
- Zalbidea, J., Pascual y Cabo, D., Loza, S., & Luque, A. (2023). Spanish heritage language learners’ motivational profile in the postsecondary classroom: Insights from psychological network modeling. Studies in Second Language Acquisition.
- Zalbidea, J., & Issa, B. (2023). Quantitative approaches in L2 research abroad. In C. Pérez-Vidal & C. Sanz (Eds.), Methods in study abroad research: Past, present, and future (pp. 33-58). John Benjamins.
- Zalbidea, J., Issa, B., & Faretta-Stutenberg, M. (2022). ‘Brief but mighty’? Sustained L2 learning and perceived psychobehavioral benefits after short-term study abroad. Modern Language Journal, 106, 411-428.
- Moranski, K., & Zalbidea, J. (2022). Context and generalizability in multisite L2 classroom research: The impact of deductive versus guided inductive instruction. Language Learning, 72, 41-82.
- Zalbidea, J., Issa, B., Faretta-Stutenberg, M., & Sanz, C. (2021). Initial proficiency and L2 grammar development during short-term immersion abroad: Conceptual and methodological insights. Studies in Second Language Acquisition, 43, 239-267.
- Zalbidea, J. (2021). On the scope of output in SLA: Task modality, salience, L2 grammar noticing, and development. Studies in Second Language Acquisition, 43, 50-82.
- Zalbidea, J., & Sanz, C. (2020). Does learner cognition count on modality? Working memory and L2 morphosyntactic attainment across oral and written tasks. Applied Psycholinguistics, 41, 1171-1196.
- Zalbidea. J. (2020). A mixed-methods approach to exploring the L2 learning potential of writing versus speaking. In Rosa M. Manchón (Ed.), Writing and language learning: Advancing research agendas (pp. 207-230). John Benjamins.
- Issa, B., & Zalbidea, J. (2018). Proficiency levels in study abroad: Is there an optimal time for sojourning? In C. Sanz & A. Morales-Front (Eds.), The Routledge handbook of study abroad research and practice (pp. 453-463). Routledge.
- Méndez-Seijas, J., Zalbidea, J., & Vallejos, C. (2018). Conducting evaluation interviews. In J. McE. Davis & T. McKay (Eds.), A guide to useful evaluation of language programs (pp. 57-68). Georgetown University Press.
- Zalbidea, J. (2017). ‘One task fits all’? The roles of task complexity, modality, and working memory capacity in L2 performance. Modern Language Journal, 101, 335-352.
- Sanz, C., Morales-Front, A., Zalbidea, J., & Zárate-Sández, G. (2015). ‘Always in motion the future is’: Doctoral students’ use of technology for SLA research. In R. P. Leow, L. Cerezo, & M. Baralt (Eds.), A psycholinguistic approach to technology and language learning (pp. 49-68). De Gruyter Mouton.
Courses Taught
- Spanish for Heritage/Bilingual Speakers
- Advanced Grammar for Communication
- Advanced Composition and Conversation
- Introduction to Spanish Linguistics
- Spanish-English Bilingualism
- Language in Society
- Bilingual Communities
- Research Methods in Applied Linguistics (graduate seminar)
- Language Learning in Study Abroad Contexts (graduate seminar)
- Task-Based Learning & Technology (graduate seminar)
- Heritage Language Education (graduate seminar)