Associate Professor 

Affiliated Faculty Neuroscience

Wright-215x300.jpg Website 3307 North Broad Street Philadelphia PA 19140

Dr. Wright received his BS in aerospace engineering (Virginia Tech), then served in USAF as a satellite engineer. After military service, he returned to school for a master's in experimental psychology (Northeastern University) and a PhD in cognitive neuroscience (Brandeis University). His research goals involve studying the central nervous system in individuals with impairment to motor control, balance, and gait, with the intention of applying knowledge about sensorimotor integration in the central nervous system to shaping rehabilitation therapy.

One line of his lines of research involves using virtual reality to manipulate visual-vestibular interactions. This technique can be used for assessment and rehabilitation of neuromotor impairment. A second line of research investigates tonic neuromuscular processing in aging and Parkinson Disease using imaging (fMRI and DTI), behavioral (posture, gait, upper extremity control), and surface electromyography. His third line of research focuses on helping military service members with traumatic brain injury (TBI) and PTSD by using novel technology to assess and rehabilitate injured soldiers. His interest in TBI also extends to athletes with concussion, and he has ongoing collaborations that investigate both populations.