Kimberley ThomasCollege of Liberal ArtsGeography, Environment and Urban StudiesAssociate Professor and Graduate ChairAffiliated FacultyProgramsGlobal StudiesCenter for Sustainable CommunitiesEmail Kimberley ThomasOffice Location Gladfelter Hall, 308ExpandView ProfileCopy Link
Wendy ThompsonCollege of Liberal ArtsCriminal JusticeAssociate Professor - InstructionalAffiliated FacultyProgramsGender, Sexuality and Women's StudiesEmail Wendy ThompsonOffice Location Gladfelter Hall, 521ExpandView ProfileCopy Link
Barbara ThornburyCollege of Liberal ArtsModern Languages, Literatures and CulturesProfessorProgramsAsian StudiesConcentrationsJapaneseGlobal StudiesAffiliated FacultyEmail Barbara ThornburyOffice Location Mazur Hall, 513Phone (215) 204-4492ExpandView ProfileCopy Link
Teshale TibebuCollege of Liberal ArtsHistoryProfessorAffiliated FacultyProgramsGlobal StudiesEmail Teshale TibebuOffice Location Gladfelter Hall, 840ExpandView ProfileCopy Link
Olga TimoshenkoCollege of Liberal ArtsEconomicsAssociate ProfessorEmail Olga TimoshenkoOffice Location Gladfelter Hall, 219ExpandView ProfileCopy Link
Jonathan ToddCollege of Liberal ArtsManager of Technical SupportEmail Jonathan ToddOffice Location Mazur Hall, 21ExpandView ProfileCopy Link
Melissa ToomeyCollege of Liberal ArtsEnglishAssistant ProfessorProgramsFirst Year Writing ProgramEmail Melissa ToomeyOffice Location Mazur Hall, 1113ExpandView ProfileCopy Link
Luis C. TorresCollege of Liberal ArtsCriminal JusticeAssistant ProfessorEmail Luis C. TorresOffice Location Gladfelter Hall, 552ExpandView ProfileCopy Link
Paul David TothCollege of Liberal ArtsSpanish and PortugueseAssociate ProfessorAffiliated FacultyProgramsLatin American StudiesEmail Paul David TothOffice Location Mazur Hall, 441Phone (215) 204-8285ExpandView ProfileCopy Link
Daniel ToueyCollege of Liberal ArtsInstructorProgramsIntellectual HeritageEmail Daniel ToueyOffice Location Mazur Hall, 214ExpandView ProfileCopy Link
Alison TraweekCollege of Liberal ArtsGreek and Roman ClassicsAdjunct InstructorEmail Alison TraweekOffice Location 353 Mazur HallExpandView ProfileCopy Link
Tara TrippCollege of Liberal ArtsCriminal JusticeAssistant Professor - InstructionalAffiliated FacultyProgramsGender, Sexuality and Women's StudiesGlobal StudiesEmail Tara TrippOffice Location Gladfelter Hall, 615C ExpandView ProfileCopy Link
Melody TschanzCollege of Liberal ArtsOffice of DevelopmentAssistant Director of Development & Alumni AffairsEmail Melody TschanzExpand
Stephanie A. TschanzCollege of Liberal ArtsOffice of the DeanDirector of Finance & AdministrationEmail Stephanie A. TschanzPhone (215) 204-3744Expand
Chris UptonCollege of Liberal ArtsAnthropologyAssistant ProfessorBeasley School of LawAffiliated FacultyProgramsAsian StudiesEmail Chris UptonOffice Location Gladfelter Hall, 625ExpandView ProfileCopy Link
Gregory J. W. UrwinCollege of Liberal ArtsHistoryProfessorProgramsCenter for the Study of Force and Diplomacy (CENFAD)Affiliated FacultyProgramsGlobal StudiesEmail Gregory J. W. UrwinOffice Location Gladfelter Hall, 931ExpandView ProfileCopy Link
Ryan J. Vander WielenCollege of Liberal ArtsProfessor- Affiliated FacultyEmail Ryan J. Vander WielenOffice Location Gladfelter Hall, 457ExpandView ProfileCopy Link
Rani VasudevaCollege of Liberal ArtsPsychology and NeuroscienceAssociate Professor - InstructionalEmail Rani VasudevaOffice Location Weiss HallExpandView ProfileCopy Link
Annette VegaCollege of Liberal ArtsCoordinatorEmail Annette VegaOffice Location Mazur Hall, 428Expand
Pablo VilaCollege of Liberal ArtsSociologyProfessorProgramsLatin American StudiesEmail Pablo VilaOffice Location Gladfelter Hall, 730ExpandView ProfileCopy Link
E. Rely VîlcicăCollege of Liberal ArtsCriminal JusticeAssociate ProfessorEmail E. Rely VîlcicăOffice Location Gladfelter Hall, 556ExpandView ProfileCopy Link
Wilson VincentCollege of Liberal ArtsPsychology and NeuroscienceAssistant ProfessorEmail Wilson VincentOffice Location Weiss HallPhone (215) 204-0203ExpandView ProfileCopy Link
Janice VincentCollege of Liberal ArtsEconomicsDepartment CoordinatorEmail Janice VincentOffice Location Gladfelter Hall, 210Phone (215) 204-8880Expand
Tom WaidzunasCollege of Liberal ArtsSociologyAssociate ProfessorDirectorProgramsGender, Sexuality and Women's StudiesEmail Tom WaidzunasOffice Location Gladfelter Hall, 753Phone (215) 204-1446ExpandView ProfileCopy Link
Shannon WaltersCollege of Liberal ArtsEnglishAssociate ProfessorProgramsFirst Year Writing ProgramAffiliated FacultyProgramsGender, Sexuality and Women's StudiesEmail Shannon WaltersOffice Location Mazur Hall, 1051ExpandView ProfileCopy Link
Jeffrey T. WardCollege of Liberal ArtsCriminal JusticeAssociate Professor and Department ChairEmail Jeffrey T. WardOffice Location Gladfelter Hall, 531ExpandView ProfileCopy Link
Mary Ward-Bucher College of Liberal ArtsOffice of the DeanAssistant Director of Academic AffairsEmail Mary Ward-Bucher Office Location Mazurl Hall, 12th FloorPhone (215) 204-1281 ExpandView ProfileCopy Link
Donald WargoCollege of Liberal ArtsEconomicsAssociate Professor - InstructionalEmail Donald WargoOffice Location Gladfelter Hall, 235ExpandView ProfileCopy Link
Marisa WaxmanCollege of Liberal ArtsAdjunct InstructorProgramsMaster of Public Policy ProgramEmail Marisa WaxmanOffice Location TUCC, Suite 200ExpandView ProfileCopy Link
Marsha WeinraubCollege of Liberal ArtsPsychology and NeuroscienceProfessorLaura H. Carnell Professor of PsychologyAffiliated FacultyProgramsGender, Sexuality and Women's StudiesEmail Marsha WeinraubOffice Location Weiss Hall, 867-868ExpandView ProfileCopy Link
Robert WeisbergCollege of Liberal ArtsPsychology and NeuroscienceProfessorEmail Robert WeisbergOffice Location Weiss HallExpandView ProfileCopy Link
Charles WeitzCollege of Liberal ArtsAnthropologyProfessorAffiliated FacultyProgramsCenter for Sustainable CommunitiesEmail Charles WeitzOffice Location Gladfelter Hall, 209Phone (215) 204-7330ExpandView ProfileCopy Link