
Philanthropy, Nonprofit, Organizational Development, Financial Management, Social and Civic Entrepreneurship


As Principal and Founder of Civic Capital, an international social impact firm, Monique works with nonprofits, philanthropic organizations, government agencies, and community organizations to deliver equitable strategies that facilitate, educate, and inform organizations on how to equitably meet their mission and the needs of the communities they serve.

As part of Civic Capital's content division, BEYOND Philanthropy, a monthly podcast, and Generocity, a hyperlocal social impact media outlet, Monique is dedicated to building better communities through community-driven impact, providing a critical look at the impact of nonprofits, foundations, and government funding and programs on communities and uplifting community voices in hopes of educating and changing those that serve them.

To further this impact and change, Monique serves on the steering committee of the Philadelphia Black Giving Circle, as President and Allocations Chair of the Union Benevolent Association, Vice President of the Women's Commission of Delaware County, and as organizer of PHLanthropy Week.


Selected Publications

Courses Taught

  • PLCY 5003 Financial Management for Nonprofit Organizations