
Nineteenth-century U.S. Literature and Culture; Slavery; Political Economy; Conspiracy Theories of Early US; Class and Finance in Nineteenth-century Literature; Law and Literature; Marxist Theory


Robert Yusef Rabiee is a scholar and teacher of nineteenth-century U.S. literature and culture. He is currently Assistant Professor in the Intellectual Heritage Program at Temple University, where he teaches general education courses in the humanities, political philosophy, and multiethnic U.S. literature.

Dr. Rabiee’s scholarly work considers the role that medieval literature, law, and economic structures played in the development of culture in the Western Hemisphere. His first book, Medieval America: Feudalism and Liberalism in Nineteenth-Century U.S. Culture, investigates the development of U.S. racial attitudes, class structures, policies relating to indigenous peoples, and gender constructions in terms of America’s vexed relationship to the long waves of European history. His current book project is Some Morbid Symptoms: Studies in U.S. Culture and Crisis, which will look a  responses to economic decline and political crisis through a diverse archive of nineteenth and twentieth century U.S. cultural productions.

Dr. Rabiee’s scholarly work has appeared in J19, Comitatus, ESQ: A Journal of Nineteenth-Century American Literature and Culture, and Emerson Society Papers. In addition to scholarship, Dr. Rabiee has also written music reviews, political commentary, and cultural criticism for Los Angeles Review of Books, The Brooklyn Rail, and other venues.

Dr. Rabiee was born in Lexington, KY, where there are very few other Iranians and many, many horses. He currently lives in South Philadelphia.

Curriculum Vitae


Selected Publications


Chapters in Edited Collections


Courses Taught

  • IH 851
  • IH 852
  • IH 951
  • IH 952
  • ENG 934
  • HIST 936