Aggression, Victimization, Peer Social Networks
Dr. Xie received her PhD in Developmental Psychology from University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and BS in psychology from Peking University (Beijing, China). Her research focuses on the development of physical and social forms of aggression and victimization among children and adolescents, social status and group affiliations in school peer social networks, and peer social dynamics associated with aggression and victimization. Related interests include gender differences, cross-cultural comparisons, and quantitative and qualitative methods.
Selected Publications
- Malamut, S. T., Dawes, M., & Xie, H. (2018). Characteristics of rumors and rumor victims in early adolescence: Rumor content and social impact. Social Development, 27(3), 601-608. Doi: 10.1111/sode.12289
- Dawes, M. & Xie, H. (2017). The trajectory of popularity goal during the transition to middle school. Journal of Early Adolescence, 37(6), 852-883. Doi: 10.1177/0272431615626301
- Koski, J., Xie, H., & Olson, I. R. (2015). Understanding social hierarchies: The neural and psychological foundations of status perception. Social Neuroscience, 10 (5), 527-550. Doi:10.1080/17470919.2015.1013223
- Shi, B. & Xie, H. (2014). Moderating effects of group status, group cohesion, and ethnicity compositions on socialization of aggression in children’s peer groups. Developmental Psychology. 50(9), 2188-2198.
- Wurster, T. & Xie, H. (2014). Aggressive and prosocial behaviors: The social success of bistrategic preadolescents. International Journal of Behavioral Development, 38(4), 367-377. Doi: 10.1177/0165025414531463
- Dawes, M. & Xie, H. (2014). The role of popularity goal in early adolescents’ behaviors and popularity status. Developmental Psychology, 50(2), 489-497. Doi: 10.1037/a0032999
- Xie, H., Dawes, M., Wurster, J. T., & Shi, B. (2013). Aggression, academic behaviors, and popularity perceptions among boys of color during the transition to middle school. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 83(2pt3), 265-277. doi: 10.1111/ajop.12039
- Shi, B. & Xie, H. (2012). Popular and non-popular subtypes of physically aggressive preadolescents: Continuity of aggression and peer mechanisms during the transition to middle school. Merrill-Palmer Quarterly, 58(4), 530-553. doi:10.1353/mpq.2012.0025
- Shi, B. & Xie, H. (2012). Socialization of physical aggression and social aggression in early adolescents’ peer groups: High-status peers, individual status, and gender. Social Development, 21(1), 170-194. doi:10.1111/j.1467-9507.2011.00621.x
- Xie, H., Drabick, D. A. G., & Chen, D. (2011). Developmental trajectories of aggression from late childhood through adolescence: Similarities and differences across gender. Aggressive Behavior, 37(5), 387-404. doi:10.1002/ab.20404
- Xie, H. & Shi, B. (2009). Gender similarities and differences in preadolescent peer groups: Group structure and ethnic diversity. Merrill-Palmer Quarterly, 55, 157-183. doi:10.1353/mpq.0.0021
- Xie, H., Li, Y., Boucher, S. M., Hutchins, B. C., & Cairns, B. D. (2006). What makes a girl (or a boy) popular (or unpopular)? African-American children’s perceptions and developmental differences. Developmental Psychology, 42, 599-612. doi:10.1037/0012-1649.42.4.599
- Xie, H., Farmer, T. W., & Cairns, B. D. (2003). Different forms of aggression in peer conflicts among Inner-city African-American children: Gender differences, profiles of strategies, and school social networks. Journal of School Psychology, 41, 355-375. doi:10.1016/S0022-4405(03)00086-4
- Xie, H., Swift, D. J., Cairns, B. D., & Cairns, R. B. (2002). Aggressive behaviors in social interaction and developmental adaptation: A narrative analysis of interpersonal conflicts during early adolescence. Social Development, 11, 205-224. doi:10.1111/1467-9507.00195
Courses Taught
- Foundations in Developmental Psychology
- Social, Emotional, and Personality Development
- Psychology Capstone: Gender Development
- Topical seminar in Developmental Psychology