
Policing, Regulation, Public Health


Jennifer Wood earned a bachelor’s degree in Criminology at the University of Ottawa and received both an M.A. and Ph.D. in Criminology from the University of Toronto. Jennifer is a criminologist with expertise in policing and regulation. Her research focuses on the many intersections between policing and public health, including changes in how officers intervene with people experiencing health vulnerabilities such as mental illness. Jennifer is the North American Editor for Policing and Society: An International Journal of Research and Policy.

Selected Publications


  • Pope, LG., Watson, A.C., Wood, J.D., Compton, M.T. (Eds). Entangled: How people with serious mental illness get caught in misdemeanor systems. Washington: American Psychiatric Association.


  • Zaatut, A., Jacobsen, S.K., Fader, J.J. & Wood, J.D. Criminologists' perceptions of qualitative and quantitative methods in criminology and criminal justice. Journal of Crime and Justice. Online ahead of print:
  • Wood, J. D., Marks, M. M., & Steinman, H. K. Health harms, climate harms and the regenerative potential of policing. Policing and Society, 1–9.
  • Nelson, V., Wood, J., Belenko, S., Pankow, J., Piper, K. Conditions of successful treatment referral practices with justice-involved youth: Qualitative insights from probation and service provider staff involved in JJ-TRIALS.
  • Piper, K., Pankow, J. & Wood, J. Juvenile probation staff perceptions of engaging families in substance use services. Family Relations. 73(3): 2079-2102.


  • Addison, H.A., Shefner, R., Wood, J. & Anderson, E. 'Resident perspectives on police involvement in the response to mental health crises'. Journal of Community Safety and Wellbeing. 8(3): 112-118.
  • Wood, J.D., Groff, E.R., Talley, D. ‘It depends’: Officer insights on the potential for body-worn cameras to change police and citizen behaviour’. Policing
  • McAlearney AS, Walker DM, Shiu-Yee K, Crable EL, Auritt V, Barkowski L, Batty EJ, Dasgupta A, Goddard-Eckrich D, Knudsen HK, McCrimmon T, Scalise AL, Sieck C, Wood J, Drainoni ML.  “Embedding big qual and team Science into qualitative research: Lessons from a large-scale qualitative research study.” International Journal of Qualitative Methods.
  • Pope, L.G., Patel, A., Fu, E., Zingman, M., Warnock, A., Ellis, S., Ashekun, Ol, Watson, A., Wood, J., Compton, M.T.  Crisis response model preferences of mental health care clients with prior misdemeanor arrests and of their family and friends. Psychiatric Services
  • Wood, J. D., Watson, A. C., Pope, L., Warnock, A., Nelson, V., Gesser, N., Zern, A., Stagoff-Belfort, A., de Bibiana, J. T., & Compton, M. T. Contexts shaping misdemeanor system interventions among people with mental illnesses: Qualitative findings from a multi-site system mapping exercise. Health & Justice11(1), 20.
  • Wood, J.D. & Anderson, E. Triaging mental health emergencies: Lessons from Philadelphia, Law and Contemporary Problems, 86: 29-53.
  • Shefner, R. T., Koppel, R., Wood, J., & Anderson, E. D. Co-Deployment is an answer, but what are the questions? Insights from officer focus groups in Philadelphia. Police Practice and Research, 1–7.
  • Pope, L. G., Stagoff-Belfort, A., Warnock, A., de Bibiana, J. T., Watson, A. C., Wood, J., & Compton, M. T. Competing concerns in efforts to reduce criminal legal contact among people with serious mental illnesses: Findings from a multi-city study on misdemeanor arrests. Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research


  • Compton, M., Zern, A., Pope, L., Gesser, N., Stagoff-Belford, A., Tan de Bibiana, J., Watson, A.C., Wood, J. Smith, T.E. Misdemeanor charges among individuals with serious mental illnesses: A statewide analysis of more than two million arrests. Psychiatric Services. Online ahead of print.
  • Compton, M.C., Graves, J., Zern, A., Pauselli, L., Anderson, S., Ashekun, O., Ellis, S., Langlois, S., Pope, L., Watson, A.C., Wood, J. Characterizing arrests and charges among individuals with serious mental illnesses in public sector treatment settings. Psychiatric Services. Online ahead of print.
  • Drainoni, M-L., Knudsen, H.K., Adams, K., Andrews-Higgins, S.A., Auritt, V., Back, S., Barkowski, L.K., Batty, E.J., Behrooz, M.R., Bell, S., Chen, S., Christopher, M-C., Coovert, N., Crable, E.L., Dasgupta, A., Goetz, M., Goddard-Eckrich, D., Hartman, J.L., Heffer, H., Iftikhar, P., Jones, L., Lang, S., Lunze, K., Martin, A., McCrimmon, T., Reedy-Johnson, M.K., Roeber, C., Scalise, A.L., Sieck, C.J., Walker, D.M., Walt, G., Wood, J.D., Zito, P., McAlearney, A.S. Community coalition and key stakeholder perceptions of the community opioid epidemic before an intensive community-level intervention. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment


  • Wood, J.D. and Griffin, P.M. The policing and public health interface: Insights from the COVID-19 pandemic. [Introduction to Special Issue]. Policing and Society, 31(5): 503-511.
  • Watson, A.C., Owen, L., Wood, J.D., Compton, M.T. The Impact of Crisis Intervention Team (CIT) response, dispatch coding, and location on the outcomes of police encounters with individuals with mental illnesses in Chicago.  Policing: A Journal of Policy and Practice, 15(3): 1948-1962.


  • Wood, J.D., Watson, A.C. and Barber, C. What can we expect of police in the face of deficient mental health systems? Qualitative insights from Chicago police officers. Journal of psychiatric and mental health nursing, 28 (1): 28-42.
  • Wood, J.D. Private policing and public health: A neglected relationship. Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice, 36(1): 19-38.
  • Groff, E.R., Haberman, C., Wood, J.D. The effects of body-worn cameras on police-citizen encounters and police activity: Evaluation of a pilot implementation in Philadelphia, PA. Journal of Experimental Criminology, 16(4): 463-480.

Courses Taught

  • CJ 8310 - The Future of Policing
  • CJ 8310 - Policing and Public Health
  • CJ 0912 – Honors Criminal Behavior (GenEd)
  • CJ 4097 – Capstone: Critical Issues in Law Enforcement
  • CJ 8302 – Advanced Methods and Issues in Criminal Justice Research