The Featherman Lecture Series is a biannual lecture series offered by the Political Science Department, which centers on coping with and resolving major policy problems. Made possible by generous benefactors, the series features the voices of eminent political scientists and policymakers who address timely and timeless challenges confronting the United States. Past speakers include Cornel West (1991), Frances Fox Piven (1998), Margaret Levi (2006), Jane Mansbridge (2007) and Edward G. Rendell (2015). This year's lecture and Q&A discussion is with State Senator Vincent Hughes, Democratic Chair of the Pennsylvania Senate Appropriations Committee and Temple alum. He discussed his vital role in state government, his work on education funding, and the recent Commonwealth Court case ruling Pennsylvania's education funding system unconstitutional.
You can watch the livestream of Senator Hughes lecture on the Power of Persistence, which was held at Temple University on April 16.
Featherman Lecture Series Benefactors
Sandra Featherman was a former member of the Department of Political Science and University of New England president. With a particular scholarly interest in urban politics, Sandra Featherman was actively involved in the boards of over 40 community and charitable organizations within the Philadelphia area. Sadly, she passed away April 26, 2018.
Bernard Featherman is an alumnus of the Temple School of Business and attended Temple Law School. A former business executive, Bernard Featherman has been an active voice in public policy, serving on many boards for urban enterprise zones and community health organizations. Sadly, he passed away on July 14, 2023.