Lila Corwin Berman and Laura Levitt speak to students on white supremacy and Charlottesville

On Friday, September 15, Temple University students gathered for a teach-in about Charlottesville and white supremacy. Convened through Professor Ralph Young's Dissent in America series, over sixty students listened to brief presentations by Feinstein Director Lila Corwin Berman, professor of History, and Laura Levitt, professor of Religion, Jewish studies, and Gender. Students then shared their responses to the neo-Nazi march and its relationship to our political environment today. While the group did not come to any single interpretation of the march, it modeled the honesty and respect necessary to continue such a conversation.

In the interest of providing students and the broader public with tools to keep asking how we should respond to resurgent white supremacy today, we are sharing the following sources and will continue to update the list. Please feel free to send suggestions.