A cartoon Temple student stands by Philadelphia skyline
Image: Chelsea Pro

By: Patrick Gordon

Click the link.

That is the advice Madison Gray has for her fellow students when it comes to finding and securing an internship opportunity.

"When you get the email from your department, professor, or advisor that advertises an internship opportunity, always click the link."

Gray, a senior majoring in political science, is spending this semester interning at the Pennsylvania House of Representatives as a Legislative Fellow on the House Commerce Committee (D) and experiencing how legislation at the state level turns into law.

A true go-getter with a bright future, this is Gray's third internship. She previously spent a semester studying in Tokyo while interning with Refugees International and more recently interned at the Pennsylvania Innocence Project, where she solidified her love of law.

"My goal has always been to make the world a fairer and kinder place for all people," Gray says. "I've had the opportunity to see firsthand a couple of the ways people make careers out of doing just that."

Doubling Down On Professional Development

Gray is one of over 300 students over the past year who have completed an internship for academic credit within the College of Liberal Arts. Now, more than ever, assistance and guidance to land a quality experience is within easy reach.

Designated faculty exist within several departments across the college to manage for-credit internship courses, while connecting students to potential leads for opportunities. The College also has a team of career service professionals available for one-on-one appointments to assist with the necessary steps to procure an internship.

"Use the resources at Temple," says Julia Cogdell, a sophomore neuroscience major currently interning at the Department of Developmental Pediatrics at The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia.

"For instance, the Career Center and The College of Liberal Arts have great information about internships and will work with you to help you find an internship," Cogdell says. "In addition to utilizing Temple resources, try to get an Internship early on in your college career because it is beneficial going forward. Keep in mind even if you do not get your dream internship at first it can be an important stepping stone to get you to where you want to be."

Internships mean different things to different people. To some, they might reinforce a presumption. To others, they are an opportunity to explore the potential fit of a career choice. The true benefit to all students is the ability to reflect on how a career choice aligns with personality, interests, and passions.

"Especially if you're undecided about your career path, choosing an internship that sounds even a little bit interesting to you will help you to narrow your choices, and give you some useful experience," says Amber Whitton, a junior Spanish major currently interning with Coldwell Banker Preferred in Center City, Philadelphia.

"Internships give you a taste of what a particular job and job setting would be like. It helps narrow down your career choices, and gives you a foot in the door if you end up really loving your internship."

From one-on-one sessions to create resumes and discuss interview skills, to researching potential internship openings with dozens of local employers in various sectors, the College of Liberal Arts is in a position to help.

Are you interested in learning more about internships? Contact the College of Liberal Arts Center for Academic Advising and Professional Development at 215-204-7971 and arrange an appointment to meet with a professional development advisor.