Classics, Latin, Greek
Deborah Lemieur received a B.A. and an M.A. in Classics from Villanova University. She later received a second M.A., again in Classics, from Rutgers University in New Brunswick, New Jersey. She has taught Classics (Greek and Latin language courses as well as ancient literature, history, and culture) at Rutgers, Ursinus College, Villanova University, and St. Joseph's University. Along with her primary interest in ancient Greece and Rome, Prof. Lemieur is also a poet. For many years she facilitated an online poetry forum, eventually editing a book of poetry for that group.
Courses Taught
Temple University
- Intellectual Heritage: Mosaic 851
- Intellectual Heritage: Mosaic 852
- On-line Faculty 2014-present
St. Joseph’s University
- Classical Epic: Gods and Heroes of Homer and Vergil
- Classical Mythology
- Ancient Comedy
- Readings in Classical Tragedy
- First Year Latin|
- Second Year Latin: Readings from the Augustan Age
- Second Year Latin: Apollonius of Tyre
Villanova University
- Intermediate Latin: Catullus
Rutgers University
- Latin 101
- Latin Lyric Poetry: Catullus
Ursinus College
- Latin 101—102 Latina Lingua
- Latin 201—202 Latina Lingua; Carmina Burana
St. Joseph’s Preparatory School (summer instructor)
- Latin III: Ovid; Apollonius of Tyre
- Remedial Latin (All levels)
Gwynedd Mercy Academy: Department Head, Classics
- AP Vergil; AP Catullus/Cicero; AP Catullus/Horace
- Latin III
- Latin II