
Remote Sensing, Land System Science, Sustainability Science, Biodiversity Conservation, Spatial Modeling, Landscape Ecology


I study changes in the biosphere resulting from people-nature interactions, as mediated by human use of the land, and the implications of these changes for nature conservation and people’s well-being. I do this through a combination of remote sensing and spatial modeling among others. With my work, I aim to produce knowledge that can help to identify avenues to address the current global environmental crisis.

My research includes 1) the identification of land system change in urban and rural environments, 2) the understanding of social and biophysical drivers of land system change, 3) the analysis of relationships between land system change and broader ecological and environmental processes that affect biodiversity and people’s well-being including the proliferation of fires, air pollution, and the spread of infectious disease vectors, and 4) the production of spatial information, infrastructure, and knowledge that inform decisions to promote ecological integrity and people’s well-being.

I have a master’s degree in Geographic Information Science from Clark University and a Ph.D. in Ecology, Evolution, and Environmental Biology from Columbia University.

Curriculum Vitae | Website

Selected Publications

Courses Taught

  • Remote Sensing/Environmental Remote Sensing (designed course undergraduate/graduate)
  • Advanced Remote Sensing (designed course -undergraduate/graduate)
  • Sustainable Natural-Human Systems (designed course -graduate)
  • Land system Science (designed course -undergraduate)
  • Applied Machine Learning for Spatial Analysis (designed course -graduate)
  • Spatial Statistics (undergraduate/graduate, restructured lab sections)

Media Mentions

Victor H. Gutierrez-Velez published in Science Magazine
via Science on January 31, 2023

Victor H. Gutierrez-Velez published in Science Magazine

Victor H. Gutierrez-Velez contributed to the research in the published study "The drivers and impacts of Amazon forest degradation" which looks at...