The Department of Psychology and Neuroscience has a strong commitment to scholarly and scientific excellence. It has been heralded as one of the most diverse universities in the nation. This setting offers exciting opportunities for research and scholarly discourse.

Bachelor of Arts in Psychology

Temple University’s Undergraduate Psychology program provides a modern curriculum covering a breadth of content, ranging from biological bases of cognition and behavior to sociocultural influences on human interactions and psychological disorders. The curriculum is designed to develop students’ critical thinking skills through emphasis of the scientific basis of Psychology and courses in statistics and research methodology.

Students are strongly encouraged to develop applied skills through rigorous and highly focused experiential learning in research laboratories and community–based internships. The curriculum is designed to be sufficiently flexible to satisfy undergraduates’ diverse needs. As such, students may select an individually tailored curriculum for employment or further study in psychology, neuroscience, medicine, law, business or other fields.

Degree Offerings

Honors Psychology Program

The Honors Psychology program is designed to be a 2-year study that begins with a yearlong investigation of methodology, critical thinking and writing. In the second year, the program culminates in the production of a senior thesis that is presented at the student poster session. Each semester, the class explores a new topic in-depth. Student-led discussions complement traditional lectures, encouraging students to engage fully with the course content.

The Honors Psychology program has several main goals. First, students may expect an integrated panoramic view of the field of psychology, from its historical roots to current perspectives. Second, the program will provide students with a foundation in scientific methodology. Students will then take that knowledge to design, implement and analyze data for their senior thesis. Third, this hands-on experience encourages students to grapple with key theoretical and research ideas related to their particular interest. Additionally, the program offers an intimate and individualized experience to prepare students for the future career paths to which they aspire.

image of Psychology students

Psychology Internship and Practicum

The Psychology Internship/Practicum course gives you experience in the work-world and, as such, is unlike most other courses you will take. There are two courses required for completion: Internship (Psych 3785) and Practicum (Psych 3787). You will have dual responsibility: to provide the best service possible to your agency/school/company (you will be, in some sense, an ambassador for Temple and for the Department) and to communicate regularly with your advisor.

Psychology Pathways Summer Internship Scholarship

Psychology Pathways Scholarship (PPS) is a fund sponsored by Temple’s Department of Psychology & Neuroscience that provides three undergraduate students studying psychology a scholarship of $2000 each for completing an otherwise unpaid internship during the summer. The PPS is a subset of the Pathways to Professions Summer Internship Award Program and follows all the same program policies, criteria, and application instructions. Visit the Professional Development Pathways to Professions page to learn more about what this entails.

Psychology 5-Year Master’s Program (+1)

The +1 Master in Psychological Research offers outstanding Temple University psychology majors the opportunity to earn both the Bachelor of Arts in Psychology and the Master of Science in Psychological Research in just 5 years. Learn More about the Psychology 5-Year Master’s Program (+1) or follow the link below to apply today!

Research Opportunities

For a list of current labs and research opportunities, please visit our Research page.

You can view the various research opportunities below:

BRIDGE Program

The Building Research Independence by Developing Goals and hands-on Experiences (BRIDGE) program is designed to give Temple undergraduate students from populations underrepresented in psychology and neuroscience paid summer research experience, individualized mentoring, and professional development opportunities. The summer training will allow for students to determine if they’re interested in research and provide them with experiential learning and skill development that will translate into a variety of post graduation opportunities. Networking opportunities and career development workshops will increase the likelihood students get the job or postgraduate training that they desire. For more information, please visit the BRIDGE website.

Getting Involved in Research

Graduate programs in psychology highly regard students with research experience. At Temple you have the opportunity to volunteer in labs representing a wide range of psychological interests. Many of the faculty pages link to lab websites where you can learn more about their research. If you want to volunteer in a particular lab, email the faculty member to inquire if there are openings for a research volunteer.

Another opportunity to carry out research is through the Psychology Honors Program in which students carry out a focused research project and present it at the end of their senior year at a departmental poster session.

Participating in Psychology Research at Temple

There are various opportunities to participate in psychology research studies at Temple. If you are a Temple student, you can find out more about participating in research through the Sona Systems site at:

  • View the video below which features Psychology Major and Cognitive Neuroscience Minor, Nina Dostaly, and hear about her research journey, time in Dr. Tania Giovannetti’s Cognitive Neuropsychology Lab and her path to finding research opportunities!

Advising and Professional Development in the Psychology Program 

Advising support is provided by the College of Liberal Arts Center for Academic Advising. You can find more information on the CLA Academic Advising webpage.

Psychology undergraduates also have access to several resources for professional development, including a program website with information on opportunities to get involved in research, how to secure an internship and prepare for a career, as well as advice on applying to graduate school. The Psychology program also has a professional development coordinator, Liz Anselmo, who works in combination with the Joyce K. Salzberg Center for Professional Development in CLA to provide experiences that are tailored towards students majoring in Psychology. Regular events include experiential learning fairs and job panels where Psychology graduates on different career paths share their experiences and advice with current students. 

Financial Aid and Scholarships

At Temple, we believe that students from all walks of life should have access to an outstanding college education. If you need help paying for your education, you aren’t alone. Most students receive some form of financial aid to fund their education. About 69% of first-year Temple students receive need-based financial aid, and the average first-year financial aid package is about $15,000. Eligible students receive financial assistance from federal, state, private and university sources. Explore all available funding and apply early to make your college education an affordable experience.

Fly in 4

Take charge of your future and limit your debt. The Fly in 4 partnership allows you to complete your degree on time—or Temple will pay for your remaining coursework. Graduating on time means your path to success starts sooner. We provide you with the resources you need to graduate in four years, like academic advising and classes offered when you need them. You commit to doing what it takes to blaze your career path in four years.

Undergraduate Tuition

No Added Tuition Costs. That’s the promise the College of Liberal Arts makes (and keeps) to all of our incoming students. We know deciding to attend college is a big one, both in life and financially, so we're committed to keeping costs down. We're one of only three schools/colleges at Temple University that do not charge a tuition differential, so what you see is what you pay. Our priority is helping you graduate with less student debt. 

We understand that, at this phase, you are weighing all your options, and you should be! It's crucial to find the right fit for YOU and YOUR PASSIONS.

For more information, visit Temple's costs, aid and scholarships page and Temple’s tuition calculator. To see tuition rates for all Temple schools and colleges, visit Temple’s 2024–2025 tuition rates page.

Psychology Program at Temple Ambler

Did you know you can also complete most of the undergraduate Temple psychology requirements at our Ambler Campus? Ambler Psychology students complete the same coursework as Main Campus students while benefiting from smaller class sizes in a suburban setting. Students can take advantage of exciting research opportunities at the campus’ nationally acclaimed Infant Lab. Visit Temple Ambler’s Psychology page to learn more.