Map Your Career

Geographic Information Systems (GIS) have become a crucial part of data-driven decision-making. Adding a certificate or pursuing a GIS graduate degree will make you stand out in the job market.

What are Geographic Information Systems?

GIS is powerful analytical software combining data with maps. It allows users to query, analyze and visualize spatial data, asking any “where” questions: “where are we seeing outbreaks of flu,” “where will this utility have the greatest impact” or “where should we open our storefront?” Because they are so widely applicable, geographic information systems have become a linchpins of the Information Age. Employers across industries are seeking candidates trained in geospatial technologies. Because its uses are so pervasive, geospatial technology is considered a high-growth industry by the U.S. Department of Labor with faster-than-average job growth expected.

Upcoming Event

GIS is a High-Growth Field

The United States Department of Labor recognized geospatial technology as an emerging area forecast for faster-than-average job growth in the foreseeable future. There is a long history of geographic information systems (GIS) in public and regulated sectors: utilities, telecommunication and transportation. Given the large growth in spatial data being continually generated in the Information Age, there is now even higher demand for geotechnologists in the private sector as well. GIS has become a key tool to data-driven decision making across all sectors. Given the recent growth in geospatial technology, the demand for a highly trained workforce is soaring.

Academic Offerings

Media Mentions

Temple’s PSM in GIS Changes Career Trajectories
via on July 30, 2021

Temple’s PSM in GIS Changes Career Trajectories

By Grace Shallow

Joshua Sonntag landed a job at his dream company just days after graduating from Temple's PSM in Geographic Information Systems program.