Fellowships, Exchange Programs, and Internships
There are loads of fellowship and exchange programs funded by both the German and U.S. governments, including the Fulbright Program, the Arthur F. Burns Fellowship Program, Congress-Bundestag Youth Exchange, the Alexander Humboldt Foundation, Bundestag Internship Program, the DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service), and the Robert Bosch Foundation. Whether your field is in the hard sciences, the social sciences, the humanities, or the arts, there is an opportunity for you.
Hamburg and Tübingen Study Abroad and Leipzig Summer Intensive German Programs
Students declaring a German major or minor are strongly encouraged to study abroad. Options include semester or year-long exchange programs at the universities of Hamburg and Tübingen as well as the summer intensive German program in Leipzig. Courses completed in these programs may be credited toward the German major or minor and in partial satisfaction of the International Studies requirement.
About Leipzig
Located in the heart of Europe in former East Germany, Leipzig has a population of over 600,000. In the past, Leipzig was a center of trade fairs, the seat of the German Supreme Court, the leading center of libraries, publishing houses and the German book trade, and the hub of European trade. One thing which remains unchanged is Leipzig’s significance as a city of music, the arts and, above all, science and learning. Founded in 1409, its university is Germany’s second oldest. Leipzig’s historic importance is self-evident from its numerous magnificent buildings, now mostly refurbished, which include first-class sights such as the Old Town Hall, the Old Exchange, the old and new exhibition centers, and the Monument to the Battle of Leipzig. Located in a beautiful area of vistas, history, and culture, Leipzig is only two hours from Berlin, one hour from Dresden and Weimar, and three hours from Prague.
During the program’s first week, students participate in an orientation that familiarizes them with the university and the city. The orientation also includes an excursion to Dresden. The following three weeks consist of intensive language study and excursions outside of the city. Students take placement tests upon arrival and enroll in the appropriate level of German. Beginning students, who must have at least one semester of German or its equivalent, enroll in German 1002 for four credits. Intermediate students enroll in German 1003 or German 2001 for three credits plus a one-credit Independent Study in German Studies. Students placing at advanced levels may enroll in other advanced German courses: Advanced Composition or Intensive German, plus a one-credit Independent Study in German Studies.
Eligibility & Application Requirements
Eligibility and application requirements are listed online through the Office of Education Abroad and Overseas Campuses. Please note, students must have successfully completed one semester of German language at the university level. Courses, costs, policies and programs are subject to change.

Herder Institut InterDaf at the University of Leipzig
This is a four-week program of intensive German language instruction on a level commensurate with the student’s skills from “beginner” to “advanced,” which is taught at the the University of Leipzig’s Herder Institute InterDaf. Included are tours and overnight excursions as well as intensive instruction leading to four Temple credits. The Herder Institute has over 60 years of excellence in advancing German Language skills, as well as teaching about the culture and civilization of Germany.
The program includes all levels of proficiency, intensive instruction, excursions, cultural programs, meet and greets with German students, and tours of Old University City. Leipzig is the City of Bach, Goethe and Schiller, Wagner, Mendelssohn, Handel, Grieg, and many others. Spend your summer speaking German in Leipzig!
For information regarding scholarships that are available for students who are applying for the Leipzig and Berlin Summer Program, please download this information packet (pdf).
Study Abroad in Berlin
The College of Liberal Arts offers a six-week summer program in Berlin, Germany! Registration opens every December, so start planning now!
Berlin is rich in cultural and historical significance while also being a relatively affordable city that can be home base for other European travel destinations. As a city reinventing itself as a modern, forward-looking metropolis, it has to also show that it is aware of its past—specifically World War II—and the Berlin Wall dividing the city. This is a fascinating juxtaposition of the past and a vital present, illustrated by vibrant youth culture, numerous galleries and museums, and one of the world’s great orchestras and concert halls. Berlin finds itself at the political and social center of Europe and a hun of the discussion surrounding migration and the refugee crisis. It also has one of the best public transport systems to be found anywhere.
Program Details
- The program will run from May 25 to July 6, 2019, based at the Freie Universitat Berlin: International Summer and Winter University (FUBiS)
- German Language skills are not required as all courses are taught in English
- Students earn six Temple University credits for this program
- Students will take one course with a Temple faculty member and choose a second course from classes offered at FUBiS
- The cost will be regular course tuition plus a course fee to cover housing, transportation, etc. in Berlin.
For more information contact Keith Gumery.
For information regarding scholarships that are available for students who are applying for the Leipzig and Berlin Summer Program, please download this information packet (pdf).
Exchange Program at the University of Göttingen, Germany
Study this summer in Germany at Göttingen University! The University of Göttingen exchange program is open to all CLA students! The program offers a wide range of English-language courses from different social science disciplines like Political Science, Sociology, Social Anthropology/Ethnology, Educational Science or Sport Science at Bachelor and Master level. Exchange students are free to choose courses from every subject and can also enroll in German-language courses. Explore the course catalog on the Incoming Exchange Students page.
International exchange students will receive 6 ECTS per course as an undergraduate student and 9 ECTS per course as a postgraduate student. This rule does not apply for practical courses within the sport department, students receive 2 ECTS. Courses about statistics students receive 4 ECTS, and economics students receive 6 ECTS within the Modern Indian studies postgraduate program.
Program Details
This program offers the following semester-long exchanges:
- A Summer Semester starting in early April and running through late July*
- A Winter Semester starting in early October and running through late February*
If you are interested in participating in this exchange program, please contact Sarah Miller.
Student Organizations
Temple University German Society (TUGS)
TUGS meets on Wednesdays at 4:00pm in 506 Anderson Hall. All are welcome to attend and participate!
For more info about the society, visit the Student Clubs & Organizations section of the German Language and Cultural Studies Major page or contact the faculty advisor, Jamie Zelechowski.
German Delta Phi Alpha
Delta Phi Alpha National German Honor Society, Gamma Omicron Chapter
Established in 1949 the National German Honor Society, Delta Phi Alpha, seeks to recognize excellence in the study of German and to provide an incentive for higher scholarship. The Society aims to promote the study of the German language, literature and civilization and endeavors to emphasize those aspects of German life and culture which are of universal value and which contribute to man’s eternal search for peace and truth.
Membership Requirements
Section 1. Members of chapters shall be chosen from undergraduate and graduate students and/or members of the faculty of the institution where the chapter is located and shall be accredited by their faculty advisors and/or the chairman of the German Department.
Section 2. The list of newly chosen members, together with their national fee, shall be forwarded to the National Secretary-Treasurer. He, in turn, shall order membership certificates to be issued to the new members of a constituent chapter.
Section 3. Qualifications for student membership shall be as follows:
- A minimum of two (2) years of college or university German or their equivalent with the attainment of sophomore standing and an official registration in an advanced course or its equivalent or corresponding advanced placement.
- A minimum average standing of B+ or its equivalent in all German courses taken.
- A minimum of B- or its equivalent in all courses of study at the college and university level.
- Indication of continued interest in the study of German language and literature.
For more info about Delta Phi Alpha National German Honor Society, Gamma Omicron Chapter, visit the Student Clubs & Organizations section of the German Language and Cultural Studies Major page.