There’s so much more to being a Temple University neuroscience degree student than what you’ll learn in the classroom! We encourage our students to get involved and make the most of their time here. Learn about the Nu Rho Psi Honor Society and the Undergraduate Neuroscience Society.
Nu Rho Psi Honor Society
The purpose of Nu Rho Psi is to:
- Encourage professional interest and excellence in scholarship, particularly in neuroscience
- Award recognition to students who have achieved such excellence in scholarship
- Advance the discipline of neuroscience
- Encourage intellectual and social interaction between students, faculty, and professionals in neuroscience and related fields
- Promote career development in neuroscience and related fields
- Increase public awareness of neuroscience and its benefits for the individual and society
- Encourage service to the community.
What are the benefits of membership?
The first and foremost benefit of Nu Rho Psi membership is the honor and recognition of academic excellence. Almost all graduate schools and employers ask for a list of honors. Membership in Nu Rho Psi is a way of building these credentials. Members receive membership certificates and lapel pins as an indications of the honor. Beyond this, Nu Rho Psi membership is a springboard for the networking of like-minded colleagues interested in the study of the brain. As the Society transitions to a regional structure over the next few years, there will be regional and national meetings where neuroscientists form around the country will gather to share scientific findings. News and information will be available to members via the Nu Rho Psi online newsletter.
Questions about joining the Temple University Chapter of Nu Rho Psi?
E-mail: NuRhoPsi.Temple@Gmail.com
Undergraduate Neuroscience Society
Students who join UNS can take advantage of the following opportunities:
- Discuss contemporary and classic neuroscience topics in a bimonthly journal club.
- Learn about advancing in the field of neuroscience and the opportunities available to undergraduates.
- Attend local events related to neuroscience and the community.
- Travel to the international Society for Neuroscience annual conference.
- Tutor or find tutors to explain neuroscience core concepts through our Tutoring Program.
Executive Board:
- Co-President: Timur Rusanov
- Co-President: Katia Matychak
- Vice President: Cory Ardekani
- Events Coordinator: Aishwarya Durgam
- Treasurer: Mishleen Bashour
- Secretary: Tara Peterson
Interested in joining? Contact one of our board members or complete an application (available in Weiss Hall, Office 638).
Grey Matters TU
What is Grey Matters?
Grey Matters’ largest effort is producing a semesterly brain sciences publication that is written, edited, illustrated, and produced entirely by Temple University students from a wide range of departments. Our mission is to bring the Temple community closer to science by operating as Temple’s first undergraduate neuroscience journal. All articles will be written such that they are accessible to those with a non-science background. Visit our website to leran more.
Available Positions:
Each position is a semesterly commitment and we release applications at the beginning of each semester.
- Author
- Lay Reviewer
- Scientific Reviewer
- General Editor
- Artist
Executive Board:
- Editor in Chief: Nikita Sajeev
- Science Managing Editor: Charita Kunta
- Lay & General Managing Editor: Ashish Abraham
- Senior Science Editor: Areebah Rahman
- Lay Senior Editor: Aarohi Shah
- General Senior Editor: Olivia Rojek
- Social Media/Recruitment Director: Allison Berger
- Art Director: Becca Gitlevich
- Website Director: Naveen Gedupoori
Have any questions about Grey Matters TU? Email greymatters@temple.edu