At Temple University’s College of Liberal Arts, performing groundbreaking Greek and Roman Classics research is as important as providing our students with great educations. The department publishes a quarterly journal called Classical World and encourages its faculty to explore publishing opportunities for its research.
Classical World
Classical World (ISSN 0009-8418) is the quarterly journal of The Classical Association of the Atlantic States, published on a seasonal schedule with Fall (September-November), Winter (December-February), Spring (March-May), and Summer (June-August) issues. Begun in 1907 as The Classical Weekly, this peer-reviewed journal publishes contributions on all aspects of Greek and Roman literature, history, and society; on the classical tradition; on the history of classical scholarship; and on the teaching of Latin, Greek, and classical civilization (see table of contents for the archive of recent issues. The ideal reader of Classical World is a scholarly teacher or a teaching scholar, and the ideal contributor has something to say to this reader. In addition to publishing original articles, the journal also features authoritative bibliographies of recent research on ancient authors and topics, regular surveys of textbooks and audio-visual materials, and extensive and timely reviews of scholarly books on the classics.
Classical World is indexed in L’Année philologique, Article@INIST, ArticleFirst, Arts & Humanities Citation Index, Book Review Digest, Current Contents/Arts & Humanities, Humanities Index International, Index Philosophicus, International Bibliography of Periodical Literature (IBZ), International Bibliography of Book Reviews of Scholarly Literature (IBR), the MLA International Bibliography, Periodicals Content Index, and Wilson OmniFile. Full-text electronic access to the journal is provided by Project Muse, with coverage beginning with CW 99.1 (Fall 2005); Ithaka (formerly JSTOR) with coverage of Classical World (formerly called The Classical Weekly) from its inception to 2005; and H.W. Wilson, via WilsonWeb, with coverage beginning with CW 95.2 (Winter 2002).
For more information, please visit Classical World online.
Classical World Journal Comes to Temple (excerpt)
January 22, 2014
Temple University News
Susan Vogel
“Robin Mitchell-Boyask, chair of the Department of Greek and Roman Classics in the College of Liberal Arts, has been named co-editor of the renowned journal Classical World. That quarterly publication has moved from New York University—where it was based for the past 20 years—to Temple.
Considered one of the foremost academic journals about the classics, Classical World is published by The Johns Hopkins University Press and is in its 107th year.
Having such a publication housed at Temple highlights the strengths of the Classics Department, the accomplished faculty of which includes a member at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, New Jersey (Assistant Professor Alex Gottesman) and a 2005 Cambridge fellow (Mitchell-Boyask). In the past decade, its research output also has evolved. Since 2008, five books authored by faculty members have been published or accepted for publication by Cambridge University Press, considered one of the most prestigious academic presses in the world.” View the original article.
Classical World Editorial Office
Classical World at Temple University
321 Anderson Hall
1114 Polett Walk
Philadelphia, PA 19122
- Robin Mitchell-Boyask, Temple University
- Lee T. Pearcy, Bryn Mawr College
Associate Editor (s):
- Judith P. Hallett, University of Maryland, College Park
- Victoria Pedrick, Georgetown University
- James Romm, Bard College
Reviews Editor:
- Gareth Williams, Columbia University
Editorial Assistant:
- Abbe Walker, Bryn Mawr CollegeCAAS
- Janet M. Martin, Princeton UniversityCAAS
Executive Director:
- Mary Brown, Valley Forge Military Academy
The individual membership rate is $35 (print). Institutional rate per year is $65 (print); $72 (online); $91 (print and online). Print subscribers in Canada or Mexico, please add $10 postage; all other countries, add $13 airfreight. Prepayment is required for shipment or access.
Send subscription inquiries, orders, and business correspondence to:
The Johns Hopkins University Press, Journals Division
PO Box 19966
Baltimore, MD 21211-0966 (USA)
By Phone:
Local: (410) 516-6987
Toll-free: 1-800-548-1784 (United States & Canada)
Fax: (410) 516-6968
Website- Classical World: A Quarterly Journal on Antiquity
Faculty Publications