The Public Policy Lab (PPL) supports faculty and graduate student scholarship addressing either public policies themselves or social conditions and processes with implications for public policy. We welcome scholars using a wide variety of methodological approaches. We offer three types of fellowships.

Faculty Fellowship
Faculty who apply independently and receive a course release to provide time for their work and to write a grant application.

Research Teams Fellowship
Faculty-Graduate Student Research Teams who apply together and receive a one-semester RAship for the student to work both on the faculty member’s project and the student’s own research.

Graduate Fellowship
Graduate students who apply independently and receive support for research expenses such as conference travel.

All fellows are appointed for one academic year. Fellows join a diverse cohort of scholars in an interdisciplinary forum for discussion of contemporary policy issues. They participate in our ongoing PPL Fellowship Workshop in which participants present work in progress and provide feedback on each other’s written work. Faculty members also present their work in our PPL Colloquia Series.

The College of Liberal Arts’ Office of Research is available to assist applicants and fellows with identifying and securing external funding for their research.

New Postdoctoral Fellowship

Call for Applications! The Public Policy Lab and the Department of Criminal Justice at Temple University within the College of Liberal Arts (CLA) invites applications for a 2-year Postdoctoral Fellow in Community Violence Prevention. Read more about the fellowship and apply