We encourage the free and attributed use of the data collected as part of the Pennsylvania Policy Database Project for publications, instructional use, for policy analysis, and for other non-commercial purposes.

We kindly ask that our data, when used, is cited in one of the following two ways. When included in a reference section:

  • J. McLaughlin, P. Wolfgang, J.W. Leckrone, J. Gollob, J. Bossie, J. Jennings, and M. Atherton. 2010. “The Pennsylvania Policy Database Project: A Model for Comparative Analysis.” State Politics and Policy Quarterly,10:320-36.

When cited in a note regarding the source of the data, please include the following along with the date the data was accessed:

  • Pennsylvania Policy Database Project, Principal Investigator Joseph P. McLaughlin, Temple University.

Dataset Descriptions

A complete dataset description of each of the ten datasets can be found here (.pdf).

Additional data not incorporated into the Analysis Tool