National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)

November 24, 2023 - November 23, 2024
Integrated multi-project impact assessment for the contribution of NASA Earth Observation products to support biodiversity decision-making in Colombia. $114,890.

  • PI - Victor Gutierrez
  • Co-PIs - Maria Cecilia Londoño, Patrick Jantz, Mary Blair

Start date: November 2021
Advancing tools to support and test an integrated biodiversity monitoring system for Colombia's Protected Areas. $200,839. Award: 80NSSC21K1351.

  • PI - Victor Gutierrez (PI)
  • CO-PIs - Mary Blair, Elkin Noguera-Urbano, Maria Cecilia Londoño Murcia, Ned Horning, Matt Aiello-Lammens, José Manuel Ochoa, Daniel Fernando López-Lozano

March 2018 - March 2023​
Integration of Earth observations for decision making on biodiversity management and conservation in Colombia: Consolidation of the Colombian Biodiversity Observation Network. $689,631. Award: 80NSSC18K0339. Percentage of effort: 45% academic year, 50% summer for three years.

  • Co-PIs - Wilson Lara, Maria Cecilia Londoño, Miguel Mahecha, Lina Estupiñan

Center for International Forest Research (CIFOR)

March - December 2021
Characterization and mapping of degradation of palm swamp peatlands in the Peruvian Amazon. $34,346. 

May 2020 - December 2021
Characterizing and Assessing Palm Swamp Degradation in the Peruvian Amazon. $109,421.

National Science Foundation (NSF)

June 01, 2020 - September 30, 2021
How Does Infrastructure Shape Equity and Well-being across the Urban-Rural Gradient?. $50,000. Award: 1929834.

Temple University Office of the Vice-president for Research, College of Liberal Arts

Start date: January 7, 2022​
Catalytic Collaborative Funding Initiative – The CAT Program. Catalyzing convergence research on health and well-being through a Bio3Science-Sustainability framework. U.S. $195,000.

Start date: January 7, 2022
Catalytic Collaborative Funding Initiative – The CAT Program. Resilience of Forest Ecosystem Services to Global Change: the IGER Initiative. U.S. $130,000.

Past Research Projects