TUBRIC is a shared resource at Temple University. We welcome both experienced users as well as investigators seeking to add a brain imaging component to their work. TUBRIC is also open to collaboration with users from external organizations, including other academic institutions and companies in the area.

New Investigator Information

To get started with our center, a new user should follow these steps.

Step 1: Look over our Facilities page. This will help you determine what work can be carried out in the center.

Step 2: Read over the New Study Registration Guide and submit the New Study Request Form. Users from outside of Temple University may also need to complete a Facility User Agreement.

Completing Step 2 will provide us with valuable information about your proposed research, anticipated protocols, staffing needs, and current or requested funding sources.

Step 3: Safety and Training
As needed, TUBRIC will provide training services for you and your team. Details regarding training are provided in our Safety Training document.

Step 4: Contact our center coordinator, Melissa Wilson, or the center director, Jason Chein, for any additional information.

Safety and Training

As with any MRI site, TUBRIC users follow careful safety procedures to safeguard the well-being of our investigators and visitors.

Safety procedures include

Forms (public access)

Restricted Access

  • Staff Screening Form
  • Pregnancy Screening Form
  • Contact List
  • Adverse Events Form
  • Incidental Findings Form
  • Google Calendar link