Study English Literature in Philadelphia

Learn to think and write with clarity and imagination, conduct research and live an innovative life. Study under outstanding faculty in a world-class city for the arts—Philadelphia.

Study English in Philadelphia

Literature, the practice of writing and the analysis of language foster attentiveness and mental agility by presenting us with complex perspectives on social and artistic movements, historical events, cultural phenomena, and communication patterns.

Why Study English?

Powerful, persuasive writing, sharp analytic skills and creative, flexible thinking are essential abilities for tomorrow’s leaders and professionals. The English major cultivates these abilities through the study of the literatures, language and cultures of the United States, Britain, the English-speaking world and beyond.

Picture of Imanee Adisa

Imanee Adisa

Freshman English Major

Imanee Adisa is a freshman English major. Since January, she has been interning at Temple University Press, working in acquisitions. Read on to learn about how she found her internship and her experience at TUP.

Read more about Imanee and her Internship!
Picture of Cheryl Anne Davis

Cheryl Anne Davis

Senior English Major

Cheryl Anne Davis is a senior English major. Since fall of 2023, she has been interning at WOAR, Pennsylvania’s oldest and largest sexual violence crisis center. Read on to learn about how she secured her internship, the training it required, and Cheryl Anne’s day-to-day experience providing support and resources to survivors.

Read more about Cheryl Anne and her Internship!