BA in Literature from the Universidad Central de Venezuela, with a specialization in publishing production. I studied for a Master's degree in Venezuelan Literature at the aforementioned university. The research I conducted during my Master's coursework culminated in "La representación de lo feminino en Sol Linares: una aproximación desde el postfeminismo" (2016). I also have a Certification in Publishing granted by the UCV and the Venezuelan Chamber of Books (Cavelibro). Winner of the 2013 Prize for Unpublished Authors of Monte Ávila Editores, essay mention. Which materialized in the publication of the book "La palabra diversa: apuntes sobre literatura venezolana" (2019). During my graduate studies in the Master of Spanish Language, Literature and Culture at Syracuse University I worked on a project entitled "El lenguaje del dolor: cuerpo y fluidos en Fe en disfraz e Insensatez". I am currently a Graduate Student in the PhD program in Spanish at Temple University with a research focus on Latin American and Caribbean literature.

Curriculum Vitae